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Krajowa Wystawa Psów Myśliwskich Twardy Dół 01.10.2022

Sędzia: Stanisław Abłamowicz

Po rocznej przerwie nasza pierwsza wystawa w malowniczej scenerii a i słoneczna pogoda dopisała.

CHISELED IN TIME Onira Storm Corner - Nira - debiut - Najlepsze Młodsze Szczenię w Rasie !!

Reason to be Proud Storm Corner - Abi - klasa otwarta ocena doskonała 2/2

Dzieci Nadi i Murdocka mają już 8 tygodni

Dzieci Nadi i Murdocka mają już 5 tygodni

Dzieci Nadi i Murdocka skończyły już 3 tygodnie

 05.04.2022 narodziły się nasze wyczekiwane szczeniaczki !!

 Rodzicami szczeniąt zostali:

          Leaf o' Hope Storm Corner &  Sh Ch Laurelhach Just Jitterbug JW       Nadi & Murdock
mamy 5 dziewczynek i 1 chłpca
mamy dostępne jeszcze  dziewczynki

Zainteresowanych naszymi szczeniakami zapraszamy do kontaku mailowego pod adresem lub pod numerem +48 510-036-290
murdock - ramka.jpg

In the next Ranking our Abi - Reason To Be Proud Storm Corner took:
3rd place BEST JUNIOR 2021 of the ZKwP Sopot branch - all breeds category

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*** POLISH TOP DOG 2021 ***
Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner took:

I am very proud of my youngest child who, being a JUNIOR last year, took such high places in the ranking

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ABI MŁ,CH.1.png

On 31.12.2021 a surprise arrived at my mailbox, which is a great culmination of the show season 2021 for Abi  OFFICIAL:

Polish Junior Champion !!

From July to October Abi got at the shows:

14 x excellent

7 x Youth Winner

7 x Best Junior in Breed

1 x Junior Club Winner


5 x CWC / CAC

1 x Res.CACIB

4 x Best female dog in breed

1 x BOS

4 x BOB


Abi also started her adult Polish Championship, she only needs a time to finish it It was a great pleasure for me to work with her, the more that shows are not her passion

The show season ended very well at

International Dog Show in Warsaw / IDS CACIB 16.10.2021

Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner got excellent grade in the intermediate class, CWC / CAC and Res.CACIB from judge Grzegorz Werona This is another step to obtain an adult title Thank you to our wonderful friends Andrzej Ania Hondzel , Katarzyna Olędzka, Viola Panasiuk, Joanna Gerung for a wonderful, happy meeting Without you, this day would not be the same

In Ostróda, my beloved and irreplaceable husband finished what I started and thanks to him the girls presented themselves well during the marks in the ring.

National Dog Show for Hunting Dogs 9-10.2021 judge Bogusława Szydłowicz-Polańczyk - ABI got excellent, CWC / CAC titles of Best Adult Female and Best of Breed

Warmińsko-Mazurska Dog Show 9-10-2021 judge: Ina Małecka - Nadi got excellent, CWC / CAC title of Best Adult Female and Best of Opposite Sex

On 02.10.2021 , as every year, we participated in the intimate National Hunting Dogs Show in our Sopot branch in the picturesque Lake Twardy Dole. Abi and Tomek received in the intermediate class another CWC / CAC and BOB in the ring judge: Marta Kościańska and with me during the finals: Abi took

BOG III with judge Ina Małecka


When Ala is not afraid, Tomuś will help a successful debut in the ring of Abi and Tomek at CACIB Wrocław 26.09.2021 judge: Vladimir Vukosavljevic, intermediate class, exc. 2

and  Club Show in Wrocław 25/09/2021 judge: Mirosław Olejnik Abi intermediate class, excellent, 2nd place


REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner - Abi, my little girl gave me a lot of positive emotions today , judge Aleksander Skrzyński appreciated Abi awarded her in the intermediate class another CWC / CAC, BOB / Best of Breed and during the finals Abi took BOG 3 / Best of Group 3


18.09.2021 XXVII National Dog Show in Ustka in judge Mrs. Małgorzata Lorenc - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner got her first CWC / CAC in the intermediate class, thus Abi started her adult Polish Championship and gained the titles: Best Adult Female / Best Bitch and BOS / Best of Opposite Sex !! Anni and Piotr Mondry  Congratulations on Best of Breed !!

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner during the last weekend also did a great job at both shows in Gołuchów, obtaining excellent marks in the large open class in both judges

National Show of British Pointers, place 3/5

British Pointers Club Specialist Show 4/5

Participation in the 4th Specialist Show of the British Pointer Club on August 29, 2021 in Gołuchów judge: Rudy Feyaerts brought us a lot of unexpected joy and pride from the performance of our young Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner , being in the junior class for the last time, received another seventh Junior Winner, becoming the same:

Junior Club Winner !!  (Youth Club Winner)

and Best Junior in Breed !! (Best Junior !!)  and finally during the finals : judge Silke Lohkamp awarded her Best in Show Junior 3rd !!

It was wonderful to compete in the ring in such a nice and friendly atmosphere surrounded by so many beautiful gordons. This exhibition will stay with us forever because it was exceptional !!

The second day of the CACIB Sopot competition 15.08.2021 my girls Nadi and Abi did a great job, I am very proud of them. Judge David Bielefeld (DE) created a professional and pleasant atmosphere in the ring and described my two stepsisters beautifully.

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner champion class, excellent, CWC, Res.CACIB

Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner in the youth class got another:

Youth Winner and the title :

Best Junior (Best Junior)

Congratulations _

for Bożena and Zaika for BOB !!

International Baltic Dog Show Sopot 14.08.2021 Judge: Andrzej Stępiński appreciated Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner, who started in the junior class, and awarded her another Youth Winner this season and titles

Best Junior / Best Junior!


Winner of the Breed / Best of Breed !!

I am very proud with Abi because she is a young girl who gets used to the shows and I am very pleased that the judges see her potential.

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner BOB I BOG 4 National Show in Manów 08.08.2021 second day. I am proud of both of me girls because and Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner did her best again for a medal and won another Junior Winner and Best Junior !! I would like to thank the judge Violetta Rachwalska for the nice and professional evaluation and appreciation of my half-sisters

Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner today became the Junior Champion of Poland, obtaining another third in a row Youth Winner and the title of Best Junior at the National Dog Show - Manowo 07.08.2021 thank judge Andrzej Szutkiewicz for a nice description of Abi and nice atmosphere in the ring. As always, it was nice to meet at the ring and spend time together with friends.

Hot Saturday was full of impressions and positive emotions for us. At the Toruń Exhibition , which took place in Lipno on July 31, 2021 , judge Aleksandra Zukal

Our Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner in the junior class received another Youth Winer and the title of Best Junior.

Violu, thank you for the wonderful and huge company


!! Yogi dad Abi was impressive !!

CACIB Bydgoszcz 18.07.2021 judge: Andrzej Jakubowski

After almost a year's break  the girls did a great job

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner in champion class got excellent, CAC and Res.CACIB.

A nice surprise was also made by Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner , who in junior class got excellent, Junior Winner and became Best Junior !!

  It was nice to meet again at the ring, talk, reminisce, I missed it so much ...

Abi loves diving

A few photos from a summer walk by the sea

June fun in the meadow

What mother, daughter Sheila and Abi in the lead role :)


My only, beloved, unique Niusia, Niusieńka, Niuleczka passed away ...

at midnight on March 25, 2021 she gave her last breath ... the heart stopped beating ... the day after finishing her last 13th birthday ... She lived in this world 4 749 days of which she was with us

4 630 days of his life ... A unique dog with extraordinary intelligence and empathy, character and stubborn, she was always able to achieve her goal, she loved people, traveling, I could talk about her for hours ...
Nika was our family member, friend, she changed our life completely when she came to live with us and we did not remember what it was like before she appeared because she was always there, now she was gone, it got very quiet ... filled our home in the last days of her life and nothing will be the same now ... As she left she took a piece of our hearts with her ... leaving a void and a great sense of loss. It is very hard for us after her departure ... and no words will convey our pain, everything will remind us of her ... but we know that she does not suffer anymore and this is the most important thing ... I know that we will meet again, my beloved heart ...

December 2020 us and our 4 black treasures !!


December 2020 grandmother Nika 13 years old and granddaughter Abi 7 months old


Sheila 8 years old and her daughters: Nadi 3.5 years old and Abi 6 months old


A charming end to our short show season this year on

Warmińsko-Mazurska Occasional National Show of Hunting Dogs (Hunting-dogs National Show) Ostróda 10.10.2020 judge: Magdalena Świętoń

REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner - Abi received another title of Best Puppy in Breed!

LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner - Nadi in champion class, excellent and CWC,

SHEILA Storm Corner - Sheila for the first time at the veterans' box , six months after the puppies were born , excellent note and the title VETERAN WINNER !!

National Dog Show for Hunting Dogs Twardy Dół 03.10. 2020 Judge: A. Stępiński

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner got excellent in champion class, another CWC and the title of Best Adult Female,

Abi - REASON TO BE PROUD Storm Corner in the puppies class got another Best Puppy in Breed title !!

A lovely day with friends.

National Dog Show 20/09/2020 Słupsk judge: A. Zukal

Nadi - LEAF O'HOPE Storm Corner got excellent in champion class and another CWC application. Little Abi received a description of a promising puppy with good prospects for the future, but she still needs to get used to such noisy meetings, which are completely new to her.

A great Sunday spent in the company of long-lost friends of dog lovers

After almost a year's break, we returned to the ring at the National Exhibition of Racial Belts in Słupsk September 19, 2020 Abi made her debut in puppies and obtained the title of Best Puppy in Breed! Nadi in Champion class showed herself as always great and got CWC and the title of Best Female in Breed!

The weather was good so when we returned home we stopped for a walk in the woods.

Beza's visit to her family home, that is Natolin Hills at Storm Corners :)

A wonderfully spent bowl  August 30, 2020

We got some photos from Briggete from Kandy who greeted us with Storm and Scotti.

Storm is the son of our Niusia, he is 6.5 years old and Scott is 4 months old and he is Sheila's son, he has just reached Kandy but he has already acclimatized very well.

Puppies just finished 5 weeks

Our puppies just finished 4 weeks, first walk

Our puppies just finished 4 weeks, first meal from the bowl

Our puppies just finished 2 weeks, they opened their eyes, hear ever more and begun playing with another

7 puppies were born in our kennel :) Sheila Storm Corner and Gallardo Black Ivy became parents and the babies feel great :) We have 3 girls and 4 boys :) The babies were born in a natural way, they are all sound and healthy and weigh over half a kilo :) Both parents have full dentitions and scissore bite, they are PRA & HD testedInvite you to contact For more information about the parents check out the image below. For those interested in getting a puppy, feel free to contact us through e-mail or phone us at +48 510-036-290. We have 3 puppies available, 2 boys and 1 girl.

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Great news about our
Nadi 🍀 Leaf o' Hope Storm Corner  🍀 officially acquired the results of healthy hip joints: HD-A

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